An Employer’s Perfect Partner
With Wellness Concepts by your side, you’re able to realize an engaging and effective culture of health and wellness.
Your In-House
Health & Wellness Experts
Ready-to-go programs make starting easy.
Ready-to-Go Programs Make Starting Easy
Ready-to-go programs make starting easy.
Programs delivered by experts rely on the latest data.
Programs Delivered By Experts Rely on the Latest Data
Programs delivered by experts rely on the latest data.
Plans grow and change with you.
Plans Grow and Change With You
Plans grow and change with you.
Adapt to the needs of your employees. As a highly-involved partner, our experts can quickly and effectively adjust their approach to meet your unique requirements.
Unified Suite Eliminates Multiple Providers
Ready-to-Go Programs Make Starting Easy
Ready-to-go programs make starting easy.
Programs Delivered By Experts Rely on the Latest Data
Programs delivered by experts rely on the latest data.
Plans Grow and Change With You
Plans grow and change with you.
Adapt to the needs of your employees. As a highly-involved partner, our experts can quickly and effectively adjust their approach to meet your unique requirements.
Unified Suite Eliminates Multiple Providers
Workplace Wellness
Success Stories
By maintaining and improving employee health we can also contain the costs of health insurance that impact our county budget. I am pleased to say that The Strive For Your Healthy Weight Challenge provided our employees with a great opportunity to learn healthy eating habits and reach their wellness and fitness goals.
Colleen P. Morrone
Vice Chairman | Delaware County Council
Wellness Concepts has proven to be an excellent partner! We have worked with Amie and her team on a customized annual well-being solution that included all areas of well-being programing from an interactive portal to onsite biometrics and a variety of education programs. They have been flexible, available at all times and their practitioners are professional and engaging.
Jeff Kabat
Managing Director | The Goodman Group
Given the good efforts from Wellness Concepts Registered Dietitian (whom is embedded with our Employee Health Clinic staff), the leaders at Wellness Concepts, and our HR team here at Bernhardt, much progress has been achieved in the last 18 months.
William F. Howard, III
Vice President Human Resources | Bernhardt Furniture Company, Lenoir, NC