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    June 25, 2024

    Turning Training into Measurable Change

    How many times have we spent the time and money on training and not gotten the results we want? There are so many options to bring in highly qualified coaches or trainers. When we do, we have an expectation that a problem will get solved. But that is clearly not always the case.

    For any leadership or management training, there should always be a focus on what comes after the training and how results will be measured. One of the things you should look for is whether the training includes pre- and post-evaluations for leaders who have participated in the training. Once the training or coaching session(s) is completed, your company should have an assessment strategy that includes surveys for their teams. If you are using a business coach for a specific leader, it is very helpful to do interviews with that person’s bosses and direct reports. That should be done at least twice after the training. As an example, at least one evaluation a month after the training and then three to six months after the training.

    On an organizational level, over time, the survey results and evaluations can help better understand overall leadership competencies, see how the training is impacting employee engagement and turnover and help guide future trainings to better align with your company’s goals.

    Another approach is to define leadership KPIs for team leaders. These key performance metrics can be related to higher levels of collaboration, efficiency standards, and levels of productivity. Your company can also look at a pulse score and employee satisfaction surveys.

    To put these KPIs related to leadership in place, they should be in alignment with your organization’s overall vision and values as well as any specific targets, both short- and long-term.

    Once you have the information back and are seeing success, it is very important to share the results with the general workforce. This reinforces that top leadership is invested in constant improvement in the work culture and values an authentic approach to leadership. If there are specific stories that can be shared, these can also be a very effective way of showing positive change and humanizing data. It comes down to transparency. Regularly sharing progress and celebrating successes keeps employees engaged and motivated. 

    Some of the leadership KPIs you may want to consider are:

    • Decision-making effectiveness.
    • Coaching effectiveness.
    • Change management effectiveness.

    As you track and review leadership KPIs, there will often be times you need to adjust your approach. The real key is to be adaptable and responsive. Creating a more human approach to leadership and having clear KPIs for any training your company invests in can be an effective way of improving organizational success. Remember to involve your team in the process and be open to new ideas, adjusting your leadership approach as needed. When you do, you'll create a high-performing, engaged, and successful team.

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